Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's been awhile

Dang as they say down South, it's been a "coon's age" (whatever that is) since I went to a dogshow and showed a dog , (well aside from the Rarities show two weeks after my bypass in January). So toodled up to Clarksville today to show Kozima for the first time since picking him up in TX back in February. WD, BOS for 1 pt so I was glad I made it there although I wasn't sure it was going to happen since I24 became a parking lot twice on my way up there and as I pulled in to park they were charging for parking, couldn't find cash had to write a freaking check in a hurry, drive down the hill, grab the dog, grab a showlead, pulled everything out of the show bag because apparently that lead was an integral part of the critical mass in that bag. Put leash on dog and literally had to run up the hill. Got there with less than 2 minutes to spare, the Salukis were already in the ring only two of them and then the Borzoi. Now while some may enjoy being fashionably late it really is not my cup of tea.

On a happy note my friend Rebecca was there with her monster camera so there will be many great photos of Kozima stacked and moving later on this week for his webpage.

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