Wednesday, February 27, 2008

vent, Vent, VENT!!!!!

I read dumb people. If I want to stop I'll have to get off most of the dog lists. Did you know that it is almost a federal offense to have a dog listed somewhere for sale? Good thing I warned you.
There are cyberstalkers out there not interested in buying a dog just surfing the web all the time to look for that most dreaded lowlife scumbag, that's right THE PERSON WHO HAS A BALKAN ANTEATER HOUND FOR SALE IN A NEWSPAPER OR INTERNET AD. These dogsellers must be stopped and harassed at all costs. Post their ads on lists with hundreds of members and imply that there must be something horribly amiss here if a Balkan Anteater Hound is for sale. Such atrocities cannot be tolerated in this PETA/HSUS loving society.
Apparently those cyberstalkers know of other ways to acquire a Balkan Anteater hound than to buy it from a breeder or someone else who has one. I can't help but wonder does Santa (or the Tooth Fairy) deliver puppies to them. Do they just find their Balkan Anteater Hounds running loose in a neighborhood and adopt them? Do the puppies spontaneously appear like they used to think maggots appeared on decaying meat? Of course I'm curious because it has never worked like this for me.
So all you disreputable people out there thinking you should advertise your puppies SHAME ON YOU, you are a national disgrace and should be put in stockades and publicly whipped for selling a dog.
Now in a couple of months there will be a plethora of people posting on lists that they cannot find a Balkan Anteater Hound, they are never advertised, they must be so rare, how is a person to find them. I promise you there will be.
The US sure has fallen for the PETA/HSUS rhetoric hook, line and sinker.


R. Lynn Shell said...

No kidding - what a bunch of nosey nellies. Got my first borzoi from a newspaper ad and have never looked back. Making a mountain out of a molehill since they couldn't bother to call the darned number themself.

Rosehillwindhounds said...

Tell it like it is! That "police" stuff gets really old, really fast. Methinks those folks need to get a life, and stop trying to tend to everyone elses business. Pretty pathetic.

Vger and Tory Running Wilder