Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stressful month

July and August are my least favorite months. The heat and humidity wear me down. We have been fortunate this year and this July has been one of the most pleasant I can remember with only a few days so far over 90 but August is yet to come. Had a lot of changes this month.

Glen changed jobs, same type of work, only now he will work at the county jail and drive maybe 10 miles to work instead of 37 to the state prison where I work. Pay is less but the cost is a lot less and we won't have to keep two newer vehicles to stay on the road to work all the time. Also much less stress I think so good for him. Unfortunately I can't make such a change right now, so I just keep fantasizing about retirement in 9 years.

Next week I go back to Vanderbilt for the vampiric series of blood tests to find out do I have any iron left? Do I have any vitamin D ? eeek. I take a LOT of vitamins so hopefully my blood values will have improved over those taken 3 months ago.

All of my baby Z puppies will be leaving by the end of the month. My keeper Zuni is being "borrowed" by a good friend to grow out a handsome silver puppy boy she got from a mutual friend in KY. So he will have adventures for a few months in NC with a cousin of sorts.

The bitch that Susan in TX and I coown who finished her Coursing Championship ( yes the jackrabbit title) now has several singles in the ring from some shows out West Susan sent her to. She is a really pretty but super muscular black and brindle bitch nice to see her recognized even if the shows were small.

Paid off the van and the little car this summer but probably it's time to buy another small car , just leave the van sitting and waiting for dog trips. I don't know I hate to buy anything with the economy sucking bathwater right now.

Oh on the lighter side I went to some of the IABCA ( kind of a smaller rare breed sort of deal) shows in KY this month and put the first IABCA conformation title on my 7 year old Silken boy Umber. This is just the best and most fun little dog. I can never ever thank Francie enough for letting him come home with me, he is delightful.

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Vger and Tory Running Wilder