Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Catching Up

So in the space of just over a month (from Feb 25 to March 30) I had a lot of stress some good, some bad, some planned things that I unfortunately could not reschedule
Let me recount the ways

*I lost a number of my sheep including my handfed lamb when one of my dogs got out
*I lost a dog to an accident after it escaped (no I am not ready to talk about it so don't bother asking)
*I had an abnormal mammogram requiring a biopsy
*I had a puppy die with its new owner due to unknown reasons (test results inconclusive)
*I had to attend the ASFA board meeting and ACoD in San Jose, not a bad thing but a big stress in the middle of all this.
*My father died while I was at ACoD and due to it being spring break I couldn't get an earlier plane home
*I had a biopsy the day after I returned from ACoD (praise God no sign of cancer)
*a huge family issue erupted over my father's death (I refuse to participage in such things)
*had a vacation planned with my son (who I had not spent a week with since his junior year of high school) that just was not going to be put off (I am pleased to say that it went great and he, his wife and myself had a wonderful time in FL)
So I am still reeling from some of the things that have happened since the end of February quite frankly, and rejoicing over the biopsy results and spending time with my son. It has been a very stressful time in bad and good ways. I want to thank all my friends for their words of encouragement and kindness during this time though. Guys you are great I don't know what I'd do without you all.

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Vger and Tory Running Wilder